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Ibex Climbing Holds Company released its Indiegogo campaign


Title: Ibex Climbing Holds Company released its Indiegogo campaign–2/x/6704050


My name is Dario Stefanou, the founder of Ibex Climbing Holds and I wish to share with you the story of IBEX.


Some three years ago I got in a warehouse determined to stay there until I produced a unique and innovative climbing hold. A few years later and after numerous attempts followed by (the wrong) surprises, failures and disappointments, it finally came the time of reward; the warehouse started getting full of colorful and playful objects, the IBEX climbing holds! I was still in the warehouse but happy and proud.


Throughout this process and challenge I was not alone. Many people, each through their own specialized field, added something to the whole picture, one by handling the engineering aspect, others by giving advice related to the production line, others by sculpting prototypes and others by giving business advice but all with the same genuine enthousiasm. Soon we all gathered under one roof, with one goal. 


We now had a new big location and IBEX was born. IBEX is the result of many people putting their talents and devotion into the creation of the first company that designs and manufactures climbing holds in Greece. We are determined, devoted perfectionists and we love what we do.


Our products have extremely tight and high technical standards, a result of many years’ and money consuming research. IBEX has developed a rich range of climbing holds in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Made with dedication, attention to detail and accuracy, the final product is of high quality in design and technology.


THIS NOT JUST ANOTHER CLIMBING HOLD COMPANY. It is the birth of an idea of a very determined group of people who are lucking into the future and want to make a difference. We have the motivation , the hard working built up,  the know how. Give us your vote to take our dreams a little bit further!


Please share our story and vision for new and innovative company. If you can donate, that’s amazing! If not, we understand. There are some other ways you may be able to help us:


Get the word out and make some noise about  IBEX CLIMBING HOLDS COMPANY. “Like” our facebook page (Ibex Climbing Holds-Dario Stefanou ), and let others know! Support our effort we have just released our campaign on Indiegogo :–2/x/6704050


IBEX CLIMBING HOLDS-Stefanou Dario -(0030)-6977231007

Sampsountos 7, Vironas, 16231, Athens, Greece

Find ibex on skype: dariostefanouibex